Insurance Claims
If you’ve been injured in an accident or suffer from an illness that renders you unable to return to work, navigating insurance claims can be both crucial and challenging. There are two common forms of insurance coverage in Australia that you may have taken out, TPD and/or income protection insurance.
If you have become totally and permanently disabled due to an injury or illness, you may be eligible to make a TPD claim.
Also, if you have an income protection (IP) policy and you satisfy the criteria – the policy provides a regular replacement income (weekly, fortnightly, or monthly) if you’re unable to work due to injury or illness.
TPD Claims:
TPD claims are for injured people who have a TPD (Total Permanent Disability) policy. If you have developed an medical condition, illness or sustained an injury which has stopped you from being able to work and have TPD insurance you may be able to make a claim.
In most instances it does not matter how you developed your total and permanent disability or illness. If you have not taken out a TPD policy, you may have a policy attached to your superannuation
Income Protection Claims:
If you are working and have developed an illness or sustained an injury which has caused you to be unable to work for a long period of time. You may be able to claim on your income protection insurance or salary continuance insurance. If you are concerned that you may be unable to return to work for significant period of time you may want to consider activating your insurance policy.
Different Types of Income Protection Insurance:
Income protection insurance comes in many different forms and our lawyers will be able to assist you checking whether you can claim on your insurance. some examples include:
- group policy your current employer may have taken out
- superannuation
- individual policy you have taken out
We can also advise you if a different type of claim is more suitable to your individual circumstances. Call us to arrange a free consultation to discuss your claim.
Grieve Watson Kelly Lawyers:
Grieve Watson Kelly Lawyers have offices in Norwest (the Hills District) and in the Sydney CBD. We also offer online consultations.
Call Grieve Watson Kelly Lawyers to arrange a free consultation to discuss your TPD, Income Protection or superannuation claim. Or whether a different type of claim is better suited to your individual situation.
All our lawyers can provide the right advice for each individual claim.